This blog is about my crazy daily life. I will post a lot about my babies (my cats and our 2 dogs) and about my life living with Chronic Pain and how it affects me and my family. This will be my place to vent about crazy things happening in the world, funny videos, or stupid doctors. Enjoy reading!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Migraines Suck!

Today is day two of a migraine for me. I haven't had one in a while so this one is really kicking my butt. I guess its a good thing I can just lay here and relax. I just keep taking the migraine cocktail when I would prefer another kind of cocktail.

I have been house sitting since last night and all is good so far. Mamaw and Poppi left this morning at about 4:30am and landed in Texas right before lunch. I am so glad they are spending some time together and getting to see my cousin at the same time. My cousin really misses them and I know they miss her. Thank goodness these 4 dogs are being good for me. I have knocked on wood so I don't jinx myself.

We are actually supposed to get some snow of Sunday. Maybe up to 5-6 inches. It cracks me up that people freak out about that. My aunt in eastern KY said that people were doing the milk and bread run to the grocery and they are getting maybe up to 1 ft of snow. That used to be a small amount, but in recent years we just don't get a lot of snow, so people freak out. I'm not going anywhere Sunday, so it can do whatever it wants. Not to mention I love me some snow.

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