This blog is about my crazy daily life. I will post a lot about my babies (my cats and our 2 dogs) and about my life living with Chronic Pain and how it affects me and my family. This will be my place to vent about crazy things happening in the world, funny videos, or stupid doctors. Enjoy reading!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A death in the Family

Lucas aka Bubba, son of Caroline aka Princess Caroline, we adopted as a pair from our local humane society. Caroline was 7 or 8 when we got them and Lucas was 5. Caroline was Mommas cat. It not that she was mean, its just she knew who she didn't like. (which was pretty much everybody but Momma and Lucas). We lost Caroline a little over 2 years ago and when she got sick she went very quickly and on her own terms.

Where Caroline was Mommas, Lucas was pretty much the house cat. When Caroline died he really attached to me. He was my Bubba. he slept next to me every night and most days when I wasn't feeling well..

We had noticed that Lucas was losing weight for several weeks, maybe a little over a month. He was still eating and drinking and doing everything else he was supposed to. We asked the vet before taking him in if we should be worried, but he said it was probably due to some changes in his environment. (I moved some furniture around in my room)

After continuing to watch Lucas he was still losing weight and seemed to be hiding most of the day. When I finally was able to take Lucas to see our amazing vet (see link below), Lucas had lost seven pounds since his last visit which was less than a year ago. The vet ran a blood test and discovered that Lucas was in Kidney failure.. He gave him lots of fluids in the office and said to load him up at home as much as possible.

Let me just say Lucas wasn't having all this. He continued to get weaker and the overload of fluids seemed to be making him feel worse. I had originally taken him in on a Wednesday and by Friday we had to make the decision to put Lucas to sleep. The vet agreed and even though he wasn't in pain, the vet said that Lucas was just not feeling well and that's not a good quality of life.

Even though it is one of the hardest things to do to put an animal to sleep. I would never want to see one suffer because I couldn't take the loss. Lucas is now buried right next to his Momma and I believe they are watching down on us every day along with the other babies of ours that have passed.

RIP Lucas 7-20-2012

Gainesway Small Animal Clinic

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's been a while

So it's been 3 months since my last post. For a daily blog. I'm doing great (lol). You would think I as super busy and had no time to write down my thoughts, so not the case.

In my last post I was explaining how much pain I had been in from my endometriosis. My pain spells usually last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Unfortunately I have been in constant pain since May. I have had days where the pain has not been as bad, but I am in horrible pain most of the time.

Thank God for my general doctor who tries to help manage the pain, as the ER refuses to treat chronic pain patients in our state any longer. I will put a link below the regarding the Pill Mill Bill. The only reason I would go to the ER is if the pain would get out of control, but now that is not even an option. Also not having any insurance has been a problem. My regular GYN discharged me as a patient because I was unable to pay a $127 bill. Good thing is that my general doctor has a program for people who don't have insurance and I get 100% coverage when I see her. I am now seeing a new GYN and they are wanting to do another surgery but even with patient assistance it is going to cost $400, so that is being put on hold.

There has been a lot happen since April 5 this year and I plan to share that even if I am the only that reads it.But I am not going to share all in one post.

Most recently Daddy was in the hospital for 5 days with kidney failure and a severe infection. He was just released yesterday with a PICC line in.This is so that he can go the doctor everyday to have IV antibiotics. So far they have him off work until next Tuesday and that could change.

He had not been feeling well for about a week, but it got worse starting last Monday. I took him to the doc and she started a few new meds and took him off work. Starting Tuesday he was completely out it. Slurred speech, dizzy, stumbling when he was walking, and very argumentative, and a lot of confusion. I called the doctor back and she thought he could either be having a stroke or medication reaction and to take him to the ER right away. His blood pressure was 77/35 and continued to drop. After lots of testing they realized that his kidney function is extremely elevated and was in failure. He does have an infection in his body that they are giving him 4 or 5 different antibiotics for. After 2 bags of fluids in the ER he seemed to be a lot more aware of where he was and what was going on. He doesn't really remember Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. He sees the infectious disease md on Wednesday and his regular md on Friday and continues with daily IV antibiotics.

Until next time...

Link to Pill Mill Bill|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's a small world...and I don't mean the song

I am constantly saying that it is a small world. It amazing me that I live in the second biggest city in the state and I still manage to meet people (strangers) who know people I know or have known, family, or friends.The lady who does my eyebrows grew up in the same neighborhood, in the same part of a little itty-bitty town in Hazard, KY that my mom did. They talked forever about the same things that they knew about and how she grew up just around the corner. Crazy, huh.

These instances happen every day and I have a current one where I am needing to pray extremely hard. It just amazes me that you can meet a complete group of strangers and they probably know several people in your in life and are casually, already in twined in your life.

I am also praying that my Endometriosis pain at least lowers soon. I have been in extremely bad pain for about a week now and it is to the point that it is very hard to get out of the bed. I went to the ER on Sunday to make sure that it wasn't anything else (thought maybe kidney infection), but all test came back find and they said that it was my Endometriosis. I think it would be ok if it was just the usual stomach cramps but I have been having extremely bad back and hip pain too. Praying that the pain starts to ease soon. I actually do have things that I need to get done.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a thought

Philippians 4:6-7

New International Version (NIV)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I know that it has been a while and I will be back soon to talk about what's been going on and what will be happening with me. For now I want to share something that has been a positive in my life in the last week. I started reading a book called "Your Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth, which led me to her website. In browsing her website I was linked to a website that she co-founded called (in)courage. (I will put the link to both below)

Come to find our they had this amazing event coming up in a week where one day you got to sit at home in your p.j.'s and watch a video from and then the second day you go and meet with a group of people (most of these groups knew who each other were). I was so inspired by this book that I decided that I would like to be apart of this "community" and signed up. (got a cute t-shirt too)

So today I go to a church that I have never been to before, to meet women that I have never met before, to talk about something that I don't usually talk about that much. My faith and my "community". Through a turn of events we ended up going to one of these amazing women's house to meet and made our own day of it. These women knew each other through church and inner circles, but welcomed me like I was an old friend.

This is the beginning of a new path for me and I hope to share it with everyone.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've been lazy

Not really, but it is better than giving everything away in a title. I know that my blog title says "Daily" but I have had a little bit of trouble with that. Some days I'm just not inspired, others I just don't feel good and don't open the computer once, and some days I am really just lazy.

So what have I been up to you ask... Well I have been in the process of redecorating my bedroom and that has been one heck of a process. In my last post I stated that I feel just taking out the trash and did all kinds of damage. Well not even a week later, I feel again in the driveway and sprained both ankles and pulled muscles all the way up my left leg. I finally quit with the crutches today because my armpits were hurting. I spent a couple of days on the couch after this, mostly because I had already thrown my mattress on the curb. By Sunday I had painted my Nanny's bed that I grew up with (yes I went back to a twin bed, need the space) and got a new mattress. So excited to sleep in my own bed again. Now the feat is that I am going to fall out of the bed because it is so up (I have to jump to get up in it).

I have so much more to do with the bedroom. I am going to stencil on a couple of canvas', I am painting my dresser and stencil the same design on it (garage sale find), and lots of organizing. Can't wait to see it all pulled together. I will post a picture when I am finally done. For now I am just happy to have a bed. I know its not going to get done this week.

Tomorrow we have a vet appointment for our new dog Max. I will post his video at the bottom. He was the local news pet of the day. This is the second time we have got the pet of the day. I swear Max is Bella's Daddy. Anyway, he goes to the vet tomorrow afternoon and then we are going to see Etta May at Comedy Off Broadway. Going with Mom, Mama, my Aunts (Jenny and Nancy), and my Great Aunt (Jemmy Faye) and then we are going out to dinner. This should be a good time.

Thursday Max is going to the Groomer probably to be shaved. He is probably about 5 pounds of fur and most of it is matted or has something in it. Can't even see his eyes right now. I am going to cut that fur down before we go to the vet. He has an appointment that afternoon and then I have an appointment at 3 to have a bone graft (spelling) where I had a tooth pulled last summer and it is causing me some major pain. They are also going to shave down a piece of bone that is poking through the gum. Just thinking about it makes me ill. It really sucks because I can't take anything before I go to calm be done because I passed out before on the laughing gas because I was a little to relaxed. I hate needles. I really hate needles in my mouth and I really hate stitches in my mouth.

I almost forgot about going to get my hair cut yesterday. For once I am happy with my hair color, which will not last long. I am actually letting my hair grow out to so I just got a trim, but I wanted to change it up so I had the girl cut the big bangs that are really popular right now. I have had to people ask me if I am the same person and another guessing. I will get pics tomorrow and more reactions. There is also a family event this weekend so I will get pics then too.

Max's Video debut:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Clumsy Day

Today I was going about my day, trying to actually get my room ready for the "redo" and walking through the house and next thing I know I was flying through the air. I actually landed on the $80 litter box and broke it with my fat butt. I am literally bruised from head to toe on my right side.

If you know me and my family you know that we are a very clumsy bunch. I was well pass due for a good fall. Everyone else has had one recently so I figure it was my time. I had the my arm checked out because it was hurting so bad. Nothing broke. Sprained ankle too. Doesn't hurt compared to the top half of my body. Supposed to keep everything elevated and rested. Gonna try that tonight and tomorrow and get back to getting the bedroom redone on Monday. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Severe Weather Day

It has been an all around crazy day for weather that is. I started off the day going to the grocery so that we had something to eat for dinner(Dinner was amazing, porkloin w/ garlic, baked potatoes, and brocolli). The grocery store was so busy because school was let out early, business, resturants, and colleges also let out early.

I have never seen everything close early in case of a storm. We didn't get anything huge here in Lexington(pea sized hail), but the rest of Kentucky was hit pretty hard. There have been several deaths, homes destroyed, lives destroyed. Daylight tomorrow will bring a new light of the devastion that today brought to many lives.

Please pray for the families who lost loved ones, lost their homes and all their belongings. If you are able to get out there and help these people, please do so. If not find out another way you can help them out. I am putting several links below for more info.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Endometriosis Awareness Month

March is endometriosis awareness month. As a show of support on Facebook I have changed my profile picture to the picture below. I will also be posting more info throughout the month.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I have been reading about Endometriosis like crazy. I figure since this disease is ruling my life and causing me so much pain that I should know as much about it as possible. My next book is about PCOS (polycystic ovarain syndrome). Deep reading. I want to know why my stomach is hurting the way it is and what I can change or don't have to change about my life to help with my health.

I fnally had to go to the ER on Sunday for the migrane that I had. Ten days before I gave in. I tried everything at home. I still have a twinge of it that won't go away but I think that it is just my hormones. All I can do is stay hydrated and pray it goes away. I got a pretty large dose of steriods which usually takes a couple of days to kick in. Hope that it is soon.

On a sad note...I spoke about the LaDue family in a previous post. Tracey's mother passed. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. My thoughts will continue to be with Tracey as she continues on this journey through breast cancer. She is one tough chick.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crazy Day

Today has been a day of appointments for the parents. The morning started out with Daddy getting the nerves burned in his lower back, which he has every few months. We were at the Surgery Center for about 3 hours. Heaven forbid his doctor ever run on time. Then Mom got a nerve block in her neck (8 shots), which was another 3 hours at the doctors office. There was only 1 hour in between these appointments. They are both doing good, just sore.

This would have been a lot easier to do today if I hadn't been on day 7 of a migraine. I have tried everything. I started a steriod dose tonight, along with my "Bed Buddy" (stinky heating pad) and hope it starts working by tomorrow because I don't think I can take much more of this. I read an article in a headache magazine today that stated that hormone related migraines actually reduce your pain threshold. How crazy is that? So what you normally think you can take, the migraine just knocks you down. Sound just like the Endometriosis.

On a happier note...I have been looking for bedding to start redecorating my room and I finally found it last night. It is on its way(Thank you QVC). Now I have to find a mattress that is not to expensive, re-paint my great grandmothers old bed (for like the 100th time), and start organizing. Doing crafty stuff makes me happy and keeps me busy. Not that I don't have other stuff to do, but if your personal space is not happy, then you can not be happy. I will post pics of my progress.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The way I feel

I am sharing a picture that explains why I have not blogging the past view days. I just don't feel well and am having trouble staying awake and getting out of bed long enough to do anything. Hoping to feel better soon.

If you don't know what Endometriosis is I will put a link below for more information.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Migraines Suck!

Today is day two of a migraine for me. I haven't had one in a while so this one is really kicking my butt. I guess its a good thing I can just lay here and relax. I just keep taking the migraine cocktail when I would prefer another kind of cocktail.

I have been house sitting since last night and all is good so far. Mamaw and Poppi left this morning at about 4:30am and landed in Texas right before lunch. I am so glad they are spending some time together and getting to see my cousin at the same time. My cousin really misses them and I know they miss her. Thank goodness these 4 dogs are being good for me. I have knocked on wood so I don't jinx myself.

We are actually supposed to get some snow of Sunday. Maybe up to 5-6 inches. It cracks me up that people freak out about that. My aunt in eastern KY said that people were doing the milk and bread run to the grocery and they are getting maybe up to 1 ft of snow. That used to be a small amount, but in recent years we just don't get a lot of snow, so people freak out. I'm not going anywhere Sunday, so it can do whatever it wants. Not to mention I love me some snow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

♥♥♥Happy Valentine's Everyone♥♥♥

I want to wish all my family and friend's a Happy Valentine's Day! My Mom and Dad were my Valentine's as usual this year. I was very excited to get my cards (hoops and yo yo from daddy) and my chocolate covered grapes.

On another note, I have not been feeling well the past couple of days so I am going to go see the doctor tomorrow or Thursday. I start dog sitting (4 dogs) for Mamaw and Poppi on Thursday evening, so I have to get some relief before then. They are going to see my cousin and her beautiful family in Texas and are coming back on Sunday. I really hope they have a great time and get to enjoy that beautiful baby girl.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day and enjoyed it with a love one, no matter who it was. I have learned not to be so bitter about it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston

So the World truly lost a beautiful Angel today! I understand that people have troubles in their life, but the music that Whitney Houston brought into our lives has nothing to do with any of that. I am a child of the 80's and grew up on Whitney's music.

I hope she is finally at peace. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Seriously... I'm addicted. It is almost like when I discovered Facebook, except better. This has better ideas and less people I know to annoy me. Anyway, I love love love the ideas that I get from this website, I just wish I had the money to do some of them.

If you have not been on this website yet you have to be invited to join. (Let me know I will invite you) I'm a crafty person, but these people take it to another level. Where do people come up with some of this stuff. I just go "Pin" crazy with ideas, recipes, quotes, pretty things, and animals.

I am hoping to do a couple of things from the website soon that I have pinned. I will post on here when I start some of them so that I can keep a diary of how I am doing with them. I will put a link to the website below. Happy "pinning!"

Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome Home-Dog vs. Cat

Just posting something funny for now. We are learning the difference with having the puppy. It is very much an OMG! moment when we walk in the door. May post more tomorrow.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Lem

So tomorrow (Thursday) I am going to lunch with the ladies (Mom, Jemmy Faye, and Mamaw) to celebrate my Great Uncle Lem's birthday. He would have been 66. Jemmy is having a really hard time with his passing and we have been trying our best to help with anything she needs.

Tomorrow we are going to take her to Jalapenos, which was Lem's favorite restaurant, and we are going to celebrate his life. We are going to celebrate Jemmy and the strength that she had in the months leading up to Lem's passing and the months since. Happy Birthday Lem! Have a great day with your Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cancer Sucks!!!

It is amazing to me how quickly something can come into your life and destroy it. That is what cancer has done to so many people. It has done it to my family several times. I bring this up today because my Aunt's best friend, a very well respected veterinary oncologist in Florida, has Stage 4 breast cancer and will be having a double mastectomy very soon. She has two young sons and has been going through Chemo at the same time with her mother who also has Stage 4 lung cancer. She never smoked!

As I was coming in to write about something totally different I saw that the astronaut Janice Voss passed away at the age of 55 of cancer. That is so young. Our family also lost my Great Uncle recently from brain cancer. It was a glioblastoma. The worst there is. He was only 65. Again, so young. He and his wife had been married for 44 years. She is now living on her own for the first time in her life in her sixties. Something she never thought she would have to do.

The can come up for an App for about everything but they can't come up for a cure for cancer.

Lemual Sizmore-Glioblastoma-2011

Polly Sizemore-Ovarian Cancer-1999

Janet Ritchie-Multiple Myloma-1994

And to the many more that will be truly missed

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Buh-Bye 2011

2011 was another crazy ass year and I am so glad it is over.But just because one year is over and it’s a new day doesn’t mean thateverything is magically going to change. Oh, how I wish it would.  I would love it if when the clock struck, midnight that nothing would be negative anymore. However again this year thatdid not happen.
I woke up New Year’sEve and yet again had the worst stomach pains. I went about my day to a point.I didn’t go to a funeral that I really wanted to go to. My two best friend’s Nana passed away the previous week and I went to the visitations, which was very hard because it was the 4th person that has passed away recently forour family. I was so sad that I had to miss the funeral.  First because I told my friends I would bethere and second because I truly did love their Nana.

Anyway I spent the day how I was originally supposed to spend it, with the family. My cousin and her beautiful family were coming in to town for a delayed Christmas. We went to my aunt’s house early to watch UK play Louisville (We won, of course). After that the whole family showed up to enjoy lots of food and each other’s company.  Once we got home I lay around and watched TV with Mom and tried to relax. Not easy. When I went to go to bed I must have moved the wrong way, because all of a sudden there was extreme pain and I burst in to tears. Dad was already in bed and Mom was not taking me to the ER on New Year’s Eve. I had to wait until Daddy woke up that morning to go to the ER. After 4 hours of waiting and I was told yet again nothing was wrong. However, I dohave Endometriosis and there are small cysts on my ovaries due to the PCOS which leaves me in constant pain. But as usual the MD didn’t acknowledge that. He just sent me home with pain pills.
Since then I have been in the same pain. I rarely get out ofbed or leave the house. I am in constant pain. I feel that be stomach is constantly being twisted and turned. My hips and lower back always hurt. I also have a fatty liver (my liver is enlarged) and that causes pain more often thatI would like. I also get migraines when my hormones get really out of control which is pretty much all of the time. My hormones are so bad I have hotflashes. (Crazy, huh?)

I have discussed with my Mom on several occasions about going back to work and I just don’t know if that is an option right now. I have trouble getting out of bed and staying out. Not to mention every time I have a job, I get in trouble for absences due to the migraines and the PCOS. I would try very hard when having a job, but it’s hard when you are in the ER for pain at night and then have to be at work the next morning.
I need to figure something out for health care and to help provide for myself and my animals, which I have not been able to do since August of last year.  I am trying to justify that I am not giving up on myself. I do plan to try to come up with a plan for myself. I need to get my life back in order. My health and financial life, that will be starting soon.