This blog is about my crazy daily life. I will post a lot about my babies (my cats and our 2 dogs) and about my life living with Chronic Pain and how it affects me and my family. This will be my place to vent about crazy things happening in the world, funny videos, or stupid doctors. Enjoy reading!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A death in the Family

Lucas aka Bubba, son of Caroline aka Princess Caroline, we adopted as a pair from our local humane society. Caroline was 7 or 8 when we got them and Lucas was 5. Caroline was Mommas cat. It not that she was mean, its just she knew who she didn't like. (which was pretty much everybody but Momma and Lucas). We lost Caroline a little over 2 years ago and when she got sick she went very quickly and on her own terms.

Where Caroline was Mommas, Lucas was pretty much the house cat. When Caroline died he really attached to me. He was my Bubba. he slept next to me every night and most days when I wasn't feeling well..

We had noticed that Lucas was losing weight for several weeks, maybe a little over a month. He was still eating and drinking and doing everything else he was supposed to. We asked the vet before taking him in if we should be worried, but he said it was probably due to some changes in his environment. (I moved some furniture around in my room)

After continuing to watch Lucas he was still losing weight and seemed to be hiding most of the day. When I finally was able to take Lucas to see our amazing vet (see link below), Lucas had lost seven pounds since his last visit which was less than a year ago. The vet ran a blood test and discovered that Lucas was in Kidney failure.. He gave him lots of fluids in the office and said to load him up at home as much as possible.

Let me just say Lucas wasn't having all this. He continued to get weaker and the overload of fluids seemed to be making him feel worse. I had originally taken him in on a Wednesday and by Friday we had to make the decision to put Lucas to sleep. The vet agreed and even though he wasn't in pain, the vet said that Lucas was just not feeling well and that's not a good quality of life.

Even though it is one of the hardest things to do to put an animal to sleep. I would never want to see one suffer because I couldn't take the loss. Lucas is now buried right next to his Momma and I believe they are watching down on us every day along with the other babies of ours that have passed.

RIP Lucas 7-20-2012

Gainesway Small Animal Clinic

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's been a while

So it's been 3 months since my last post. For a daily blog. I'm doing great (lol). You would think I as super busy and had no time to write down my thoughts, so not the case.

In my last post I was explaining how much pain I had been in from my endometriosis. My pain spells usually last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Unfortunately I have been in constant pain since May. I have had days where the pain has not been as bad, but I am in horrible pain most of the time.

Thank God for my general doctor who tries to help manage the pain, as the ER refuses to treat chronic pain patients in our state any longer. I will put a link below the regarding the Pill Mill Bill. The only reason I would go to the ER is if the pain would get out of control, but now that is not even an option. Also not having any insurance has been a problem. My regular GYN discharged me as a patient because I was unable to pay a $127 bill. Good thing is that my general doctor has a program for people who don't have insurance and I get 100% coverage when I see her. I am now seeing a new GYN and they are wanting to do another surgery but even with patient assistance it is going to cost $400, so that is being put on hold.

There has been a lot happen since April 5 this year and I plan to share that even if I am the only that reads it.But I am not going to share all in one post.

Most recently Daddy was in the hospital for 5 days with kidney failure and a severe infection. He was just released yesterday with a PICC line in.This is so that he can go the doctor everyday to have IV antibiotics. So far they have him off work until next Tuesday and that could change.

He had not been feeling well for about a week, but it got worse starting last Monday. I took him to the doc and she started a few new meds and took him off work. Starting Tuesday he was completely out it. Slurred speech, dizzy, stumbling when he was walking, and very argumentative, and a lot of confusion. I called the doctor back and she thought he could either be having a stroke or medication reaction and to take him to the ER right away. His blood pressure was 77/35 and continued to drop. After lots of testing they realized that his kidney function is extremely elevated and was in failure. He does have an infection in his body that they are giving him 4 or 5 different antibiotics for. After 2 bags of fluids in the ER he seemed to be a lot more aware of where he was and what was going on. He doesn't really remember Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. He sees the infectious disease md on Wednesday and his regular md on Friday and continues with daily IV antibiotics.

Until next time...

Link to Pill Mill Bill|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE